C’ Lyceum.

B’ Lyceum is a decisive year because the student makes the first important choice in terms of the direction he will follow and the corresponding schools in the universities afterwards.
The level of the material increases significantly with the culmination of the material of the c’ Lyceum which is shown by the very low results of the Panhellenic examinations.
At c’ Lyceum, students also have to deal with exam stress.
The solution is the management of time by B’ Lyceum so that the difficult material of the C’ Lyceum has the appropriate teaching rhythm and the children at the right time to consolidate it.
Thus, our Tutoring School has created a two-year curriculum starting with the summer preparation from A’ to B’ so that our students:
- get acquainted as soon as possible with the requirements of B’ and C’ Lyceum
- are tought difficult concepts in the summer with a lot of free time for both study and personal life
- through the large number of simulation competitions learn to manage their time and psychology
- have much more time for repetitions
- in such a competitive system to stand out and succeed in their first choices.